The SmartStream Production Pro SDKs provide information on APIs and Page Description Languages which are supported on the SmartStream Production Pro Digital Front End.
Select the SDK link below to download:

SmartStream Production Pro JDF SDK
The SmartStream Production Pro JDF SDK documents the JDF (Job Definition Format) implementation on the Production Pro Digital Front End. Use the JDF SDK to automate job settings, pull information for jobs and presses, and get print data when jobs complete. This SDK contains documentation on HP's JDF implementation, sample tickets/messages and useful tools to help with your JDF implementation. To download the SmartStream Production Pro JDF SDK click the link above.

PPML is a variable data page description language. Download this SDK if you are interested in generating PPML output for the HP Indigo digital presses. To download the SmartStream PPML SDK click the link above.

SmartStream JDF Ticket Creator
The SmartStream JDF Ticket Creator is a simple GUI-based application used to generate JDF ticket samples to drive varous job ticket settings on the Production Pro. To download the SmartStream JDF Ticket Creator click the link above.