How do I open a Terminal/Console to Install HPLIP or Run an HPLIP Command Line Program?

HPLIP Version: 


Linux OS Distribution(s): 

Fedora Users: Refer to this article or use system menus: Applications | System | Terminal

Ubuntu Users: Type ALT-F2 and then enter "gnome-terminal" or  use system menus: Applications | Accessories | Terminal

Kubuntu Users: Type ALT-F2 and then enter "konsole" or use system menus: "K" Menu | Applications | System | Konsole

SUSE Users: Use system menus: Computer Menu | More Applications | System | Terminal

MEPIS Users: Type ALT-F2 and then enter "konsole" or use system menus: "K" Menu | System | Terminal Program (Konsole)

Mandriva Users: Use system menus: Applications | Tools | Terminal

All others: Using the desktop system menu (generally in the upper left or lower left corner of the display), search for a program named "Terminal", "Console", "Konsole", etc. and run it.