Manual Build and Install Instructions for RHEL

Step 1: Installation Prerequisite Steps

View the current Release Notes for additional information on this release.


You will need root access to complete many of the steps while installing HPLIP. If you do not have root access contact your system admin for assistance.

Step 2: Download the RHEL HPLIP RPM Package

A. Click here to download the HPLIP RHEL package. Save the package in an area that works for you--we suggest downloading it to the Desktop so that it's easy to find later.

Step 3: Install the RHEL Package for HPLIP


For RHEL 5 use the below commands:

In a terminal run:

cd ~/Desktop/
su -c "rpm -ev --nodeps libsane-hpaio hplip-gui hplip hpijs"
su -c "yum install PyQt xsane"

For 32 bit distro users.

su -c "rpm -Uvh hplip-3.12.6_rhel-5.0.i386.rpm"

For 64 bit distro users.

su -c "rpm -Uvh hplip-3.12.6_rhel-5.0.x86_64.rpm"


For RHEL 6 use the below commands:

In a terminal run:

cd ~/Desktop/
su -c "rpm -ev --nodeps libsane-hpaio hplip-gui hplip hpijs hplip-libs hplip-common"
su -c "yum install PyQt4 Python-Imaging xsane"

For 32 bit distro users.

su -c "rpm -Uvh hplip-3.12.6_rhel-6.0.i686.rpm"

For 64 bit distro users.

su -c "rpm -Uvh hplip-3.12.6_rhel-6.0.x86_64.rpm"

Step 4: Post installation instructions

A. Disable SELinux or run SELinux in permissive mode:

Open file "/etc/selinux/config"
set "SELINUX=permissive"
Restart your system
To change the state of SELinux to permissive at run time run su -c "setenforce 0"

B. For normal users other than root add user name to "lp" and "sys" group:

su -c "/usr/sbin/usermod -a -G lp,sys $USER"

C. Restart your PC (or) Logout and Login

Step 5: Configuring your printer using hp-setup

A. To configure the printer in the terminal run:

su -c "hp-setup"

The HPLIP and the printer should now be installed and configured.