hp-sendfax: PC Sendfax Utility (ver. 9.0)

PC send fax for HPLIP supported multifunction printers.



To specify a device-URI: -d<device-uri> or --device=<device-uri>
To specify a CUPS printer: -p<printer> or --printer=<printer>


Run in graphical UI mode: -u or --gui (Default)
Run in non-interactive mode: -n or --non-interactive


Use Qt4: --qt4 (Default)
Set the logging level: -l<level> or --logging=<level>
  <level>: none, info*, error, warn, debug (*default)
This help information: -h or --help
Specify the fax number(s): -f<number(s)> or --faxnum=<number(s)> or --fax-num=<number(s)> or --num=<number(s)>(-n only)
Specify the recipient(s): -r<recipient(s)> or --recipient=<recipient(s)> (-n only)
Specify the groups(s): --group=<group(s)> or --groups=<group(s)> (-n only)

See Also: