Site Flow API Documentation

All RESTful queries are HTTP commands (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.) to a base URL combined with a specific endpoint path to perform a specific action.  The information below outlines the available base URL and supported endpoints for the Site Flow API.

Table of Contents

Base URL

  • Production:  (for existing PrintOS customers)
  • Staging:  (for 3rd parties)

Code Samples:


API Endpoints:


Validate an Order

HTTP Method Endpoint Body
POST /api/order/validate JSON Object
Note that is the most basic structure of an order to validate or submit. See the Order JSON Structure documentation for more information.
  "destination": {
    "name": "accountName"
  "orderData": {
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    "items": [
        "sku": "Business Cards",
        "components": [
            "code": "Content",            
            "fetch": true,
            "path": ""
    "shipments": [
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          "name": "John Doe",
          "companyName": "Acme",
          "address1": "1234 Main St.",
          "town": "Capitol",
          "postcode": "12345",
          "isoCountry": "US"
          "code": "fedex",
          "service": "ground"
    "destination": {
        "id": "57ad022fc3af860f00c7ed4e",
        "name": "accountName"
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                    "email": "",
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                    "name": "John Doe",
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                    "town": "New York"
        "sourceOrderId": "82TE0N"
    "source": {
        "id": "57ad022fc3af860f00c7ed4e",
        "name": "accountName"


Submit an Order

HTTP Method Endpoint Body
POST /api/order JSON Object
Note that is the most basic structure of an order to validate or submit. See the Order JSON Structure documentation for more information.
  "destination": {
    "name": "accountName"
  "orderData": {
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    "items": [
        "sku": "Business Cards",
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            "code": "Content",            
            "fetch": true,
            "path": ""
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          "address1": "1234 Main St.",
          "town": "Capitol",
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          "code": "fedex",
          "service": "ground"
	"success": true,
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			"timestamp": "2016-03-30T16:51:09.259Z",
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			"created": "2016-03-30T16:51:09.238Z"
		"destination": {
			"id": "56f016d36dead10e0072f8bc",
			"name": "hp.partnertest"
		"source": {
			"name": "hp.partnertest",
			"id": "56f016d36dead10e0072f8bc"


Get File Upload URLs

HTTP Method Endpoint Parameters
GET /api/file/getpreupload MIME Type of file to upload (i.e. application/pdf)
The "upload" URL is used to upload a local file to Amazon S3, the "fetch" URL is used in the order JSON during order submission.
    "upload": "",
    "fetch": ""


Get All Orders

HTTP Method Endpoint
GET /api/order


Parameter Default Description
pagesize 10 (Optional) Size of the page size (number of orders) to return in the response.
page 1 (Optional) The page number to return in the response.
    "count": 2,
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            "destination": {
                "name": "hp.partnertest"
            "orderData": {
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                "date": "2016-11-07T17:59:42.568Z",
                "items": [
                        "quantity": 1
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            "source": {
                "name": "hp.partnertest"
    "page": 1,
    "pages": -1,
    "success": true


Get an Order

HTTP Method Endpoint
GET /api/order/{orderId}

{orderId} - The order id needed is the first _id within the HTTP response after submitting an order (see response below or Submit Order response)

    "__v": 1,
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            "timestamp": "2016-11-07T16:26:07.819Z",
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Cancel Order

HTTP Method Endpoint
PUT  /api/order/{sourceAccount}/{sourceOrderId}/cancel

{sourceAccount} - of HTTP Response shown below (towards the end).

{sourceOrderId} -  user generated sourceOrderId, see HTTP Response below (towards the end).

    "__v": 1,
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    "updatedAt": "2016-11-12T00:01:23.442Z"


Get Products

HTTP Method Endpoint
GET /api/product
This response shows two Products ("Banner" and "Book"), the "Book" product has two components. The Product components.code value(s) are used in the orderData.items.components.code field(s) in the order JSON during submission.
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Get SKUs

HTTP Method Endpoint
GET /api/sku
The SKU "code" value is used in the orderData.Items.sku field in the order JSON during submission
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