1.11 Release Notes


  • Omnicept 1.11 plugins are backwards compatible with 1.10 Runtime
  • Timestamps added to Cognitive Load messages



  • Subscription List​ 

    Subscription List allows developers to choose the messages and versions that are sent to the app. You can learn more on how to use this new feature at:


  • 1.1.0 Cognitive Load algorithm

Cognitive Load readings are now available in two message versions. Be default, client applications will subscribe to the latest available version.  Refer to the Subscription to Message Types sections in the game engine plugin or C++ documentation for details on how clients may subscribe to a particular message version.

Available Cognitive Load Versions:

Cognitive Load 1.1.0 (Latest) - Eye Tracking and PPG sensor inputs are both incorporated into the model results. During time periods when PPG signal quality is poor or the PPG sensor is unavailable, the Eye Tracking sensor data alone will be used to estimate cognitive load.

Cognitive Load 1.0.0 – Legacy support for 4/30/2021 Omnicept 1.0 release. Uses Eye Tracking as the only sensor input. Use this version only if your application must match Omnicept 1.0.