Omnicept Changes

The HP Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition continues its award-winning streak with another win. The HP Reverb G2 won the VR Awards Best Hardware of the Year, Red Dot Best of Best, IF Design Award, CES Innovation Award and just last week won the 2022 Advanced Imaging Society Lumiere™ Entertainment Technology Award.  

When our HP team conceived of the critical role biometric inferences could play in XR experiences, it was with an eye towards future possibilities and the positive impact for learning, skill development, teamwork, and wellness.  

Imagine if a flight simulator can adaptively help a pilot develop skills based on how she learns and optimizes her progress?  Or, with the use of XR we can minimize risks associated with specific pain medicines while improving comfort during a medical procedure.  Or, by immersing ourselves in a different human skin and/or experience, we can rapidly improve empathy for other cultures, ethnicities, job roles or human histories.  Or, by tracking our eyes and emotive response, a car designer can evaluate new designs and human-machine interaction more effectively for prospective customers and key stakeholders.  

XR experiences that adapt and are personalized promise to help us be our best selves and improve how we work with others.

Our Omnicept team is fortunate to work with many developers who share this vision.  Over the past year, we have recognized that this technology needs a different approach for easy adoption, exploration, and research support.  As such, HP’s leadership has worked closely with our Omnicept team to re-orient to a new path.   HP Omnicept warrants long term incubation in the interest of its tremendous potential, within the context of larger industry advances and standardization, and with recognition that we have many important opportunities yet to address.


The new way forward for Omnicept embraces the following changes:

  • For simplicity, the three original Omnicept plans will consolidate into a single "Developer" plan, with backwards capability to all previously available plans
  • The HP Omnicept "Developer" plan is now available for free 
  • All previously available SDK functions will be available through this plan, including core sensor data, the Cognitive Load inference, and other SDK sample code and services
  • In this spirit, refunds have been made to any developers or enterprises who purchased the HP Omnicept SDK
  • Support will be primarily available on the developer portal 
  • All changes are planned to be made available starting June 1, 2022


We welcome all developer interest, researchers, and others who share our vision to help advance the positive impact that bio-analytics and real-time human inference can have related to how we work, learn, and improve ourselves.   Please visit us at for the latest information.  For all those who have partnered and continue to partner on solutions, we thank you sincerely and look forward to the exciting journey ahead!


Scott Rawlings & the HP Omnicept Team

HP Advanced Computing Solutions

