Installs HPLIP printers and faxes in the CUPS spooler. Tries to automatically determine the correct PPD file to use. Allows the printing of a testpage. Performs basic fax parameter setup.
Usage: hp-setup [MODE] [OPTIONS] [SERIAL NO.|USB bus:device|IP|DEVNODE]
Run in graphical UI mode: | -u or --gui (Default) |
Run in interactive mode: | -i or --interactive |
Automatic mode: | -a or --auto (-i mode only) |
To specify the port on a multi-port JetDirect: | --port=<port> (Valid values are 1*, 2, and 3. *default) |
No testpage in automatic mode: | -x (-i mode only) |
To specify a CUPS printer queue name: | -p<printer> or --printer=<printer> (-i mode only) |
To specify a CUPS fax queue name: | -f<fax> or --fax=<fax> (-i mode only) |
Type of queue(s) to install: | -t<typelist> or --type=<typelist>. <typelist>: print*, fax* (*default) (-i mode only) |
To specify the device URI to install: | -d<device> or --device=<device> (--qt4 mode only) |
Remove printers or faxes instead of setting-up: | -r or --rm or --remove (-u only) |
Set the language: | -q <lang> or --lang=<lang>. Use -q? or --lang=? to see a list of available language codes. |
Set the logging level: | -l<level> or --logging=<level> |
<level>: none, info*, error, warn, debug (*default) | |
Run in debug mode: | -g (same as option: -ldebug) |
This help information: | -h or --help |
USB bus:device (usb only): | "xxx:yyy" where 'xxx' is the USB bus and 'yyy' is the USB device. (Note: The ':' and all leading zeros must be present.) |
Use the 'lsusb' command to obtain this information. | |
IPs (network only): | IPv4 address "a.b.c.d" or "hostname" |
DEVNODE (parallel only): | "/dev/parportX", X=0,1,2,... |
SERIAL NO. (usb and parallel only): | "serial no." |
Setup using GUI mode: | $ hp-setup |
Setup using GUI mode, specifying usb: | $ hp-setup -b usb |
Setup using GUI mode, specifying an IP: | $ hp-setup |
One USB printer attached, automatic: | $ hp-setup -i -a |
USB, IDs specified: | $ hp-setup -i 001:002 |
Network: | $ hp-setup -i |
Network, Jetdirect port 2: | $ hp-setup -i --port=2 |
Parallel: | $ hp-setup -i /dev/parport0 |
USB or parallel, using serial number: | $ hp-setup -i US12345678A |
USB, automatic: | $ hp-setup -i --auto 001:002 |
Parallel, automatic, no testpage: | $ hp-setup -i -a -x /dev/parport0 |
Parallel, choose device: | $ hp-setup -i -b par |
1. If no serial number, USB ID, IP, or device node is specified, the USB and parallel busses will be probed for devices. |
2. Using 'lsusb' to obtain USB IDs: (example) |
$ lsusb |
Bus 003 Device 011: ID 03f0:c202 Hewlett-Packard |
$ hp-setup --auto 003:011 |
(Note: You may have to run 'lsusb' from /sbin or another location. Use '$ locate lsusb' to determine this.) |
3. Parameters -a, -f, -p, or -t are not valid in GUI (-u) mode. |
See Also: