Site Flow Light - Setup

1. Setup

Learn to add or change your account settings, manage the users in your account, view all the accounts linked with yours, you paired products, and create trigger events to activate the templates in your account.

NOTE: This is the first of 5 articles. You will find several links across articles, although we recommend reading this guide in the proposed order.

Table of contents:

Account settings

Fill in your company information under Profile Settings. Use the General Settings to configure how certain items will appear on the site, like date formats and measurements.

NOTE: When you first access Site Flow Light, make sure to set your time zone and Default SLA Days.  When an order is received, Site Flow checks your time zone to make the necessary SLA calculations.  For example, a brand in Singapore sending to a PSP in the USA may cross a day boundary. If the order does not contain a due date, Site Flow takes the current day and adds on the number of standard working days specified in the Default SLA Days field, and using the result as the due date for the order.

Therefore, if your Default SLA Days are 2 and an order is received on Monday, its due date will be on Wednesday. But a similar order received on Friday would be due on the following Tuesday.

Managing users

Here, you can invite any users you need to your account, giving each a role that will affect their access. 
Click Invite User and add the UsernameUser Email, and User Role (see the second below image).

As you click the Search icon, a search bar is expanded to allow you to enter your search query.

Click the ellipses (...) for a selected user to either edit their information or resend an invite to them.

As you click Edit User, you are directed to the User Details page. 
You can only edit the Name of the user and their Account Roles

You can also select Resend Invite to or Reset Password for this specific user.

Tools and Features

Knowing the following features will help you browse across Site Flow Light with ease.

Account list

If you have more than one Connect account, for example, multiple sites, you can switch between them here; no need to log out and in again. Select the account to wish to use from the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Click this bar to search the content you are currently viewing. If searching is not supported on your current content, orders will be searched instead. 

User account

Here, you can change your personal user settings, select your view language, or log out.

Barcode scanner

Visible on some screens, you can enter a barcode here from one of our job sheets or use a barcode scanner connected to your machine. If we recognize the barcode, we will navigate you to the appropriate item on your current page.

You can also scan a barcode in the PRODUCTION section.


Visible on some screens, you can use this tool to filter the content on your screen to specific items in which you might be interested based on their Status and Order Date. If you need a specific item, use the search tool. 

GO TO THE NEXT ARTICLE: Linked accounts & Paired products >>