The Virtual Test Laboratory (VTL) is a testing environment setup to allow HP’s ISV Development partners to remotely test their applications on HP printing and scanning devices.
It consists of a collection of printing and scanning devices set up to be accessed remotely via a secure network connection. Robots and real time cameras are set up at each device, to allow for real-time viewing and controlling the devices from the developers’ local workstation. Special software has been developed to manage provisioning of the devices and control of the attached robots.
The VTL provides access to a greater number of HP devices which can be temporarily used by development partners to test new application development efforts and reproduce errors for issues customers face with certain solution stacks.
The VTL overcomes limitations related to device access and allows for more thorough testing on a variety of HP devices.
The VTL helps to overcome variations that exist between different product families and FW designs.
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Access to the VTL is currently free for developers (both Workpath and OXPd).
Get Access
- Read the Quick Start Guide
- Access the VTL Login page here
- Click on "Sign in with HPID" and sign in using your App Center login credentials