Basic HPLIP Troubleshooting Steps


You are having some type of problem with HPLIP and would like to do some basic troubleshooting before contacting the HPLIP support team.

This document is a "living" document and will be updated on a regular basis to provide the most recent information on troubleshooting HPLIP issues.


Initial Troubleshooting Considerations
Install Problem
For printing problems (won't print correctly or as expected)
Printer Not Printing
Troubleshooting Scanning Problems
For general connection or your printer is not detected by HPLIP troubleshooting steps

Initial Troubleshooting Considerations

* Is the device supported by HPLIP and the version of HPLIP you are using?

* Verify support for your device on the supported devices page.

* If your printer needs a later version of HPLIP try upgrading.

* Is the Linux distro You are using supported by the HPLIP automatic installer?

* Verify that the automatic installer is supported for your Linux distro on the HPLIP install page.

* Is the HPLIP package you are using downloaded from the HPLIP project page, or are you using an HPLIP package that came pre-packaged with your Linux distro? We recommend using the already installed HPLIP unless your printer is not supported by that version of HPLIP. Check the required HPLIP version for your printer by going to to the supported devices page. and looking up the information on your specific device.

Run hp-check and verify the following considerations:

* HPLIP supports your printer (see the above section for details).

* All required dependencies are installed (optional dependency errors are OK).

* That your printer is listed under the "Discovered Devices" section.

* There is a printer queue in the "Installed Printers" section and there are no errors for that queue.

* If your printer is not listed under the "Discovered Devices" section verify that it is plugged in and not in an error state.

* If there is no printer queue installed run "hp-setup" (check the release notes for your HPLIP version for special distro specific considerations, i.e. su or sudo is needed) and follow the provided instructions to configure the printer.

Common errors in the printer queue detection area to watch out for:

* Printer is not installed using the hp:/ backend: Setup the printer using "hp-setup" (check the release notes for your HPLIP version for special distro specific considerations, i.e. su or sudo is needed).

* Required plugin not installed: Run "hp-plugin" to install the required plugin, or use "hp-setup" to configure the printer.

* Is the printer in an error state, offline, or powered off?

* Does the printer work correctly on a windows system? (Usually this is a last verification step to be sure that the printer is working correctly.)

Install Problem

* Is your Linux distro supported by the auto installer? If not, you may need to follow the manual install steps, please see the HPLIP install page for more information.

*For help on using the automatic installer goto the automatic installer instruction page.

Functionality, I/O or Printing Problem

For generic printing problems (printer won't print correctly or as expected)

* Try printing from another application?

* Try printing a different document to make sure it's not a document problem?

* Is the printer aligned and/or cleaned? Run "hp-toolbox", choose the printer then select the appropriate actions.

* Run "hp-check" from a terminal windo, ensure output is in line with above considerations section, and verify that you are using the correct or recommended PPD file for your printer queue. (This is selected during the configuration of the printer using hp-setup.)

* View the cups /var/log/cups/error_log for any errors; for info on how to set cups to debug mode see this KB article.

* View the /var/log/syslog for any errors. Depending on your linux distro run either "su -c 'tail -f /var/log/syslog'" or "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog"

* Check the fullbleed or edge to edge printing KB article if you are having problems printing fullbleed or edge to edge.

Printer Not Printing

* Is the printer supported by HPLIP? Verify that the printer is supported by HPLIP and what version of HPLIP is needed by going to our supported devices page.

* Does the currently installed version of HPLIP support your printer? You may need to upgrade see the above link.

* Is the printer installed and detected by HPLIP correctly? Run "hp-check -t" and verify under the "Installed Queues" section that there are no errors, and under "Discovered USB Devices" that your printer is listed.

* Run "hp-check" and verify that all of the required dependencies are installed. (missing optional dependency's is ok)

* Under the "Installed Queues" section of hp-check if there is a note saying "Required plug-in status:" verify that the plugin says "Installed". If it is NOT installed the printer will not work. To correct this, delete the printer queue and run "hp-setup" again to configure the printer, or you can try running "hp-plugin" to install the plugin directly.

* Try disconnecting and reconnecting the printer from the system.

* Try powercycling the printer by turning it off and back on.

* Fedora only: Is SELinux enabled? If so, it should be set to permissive or disabled mode.

* Is the user part of the lp group? Run "groups" in a terminal window and verifiy the user is a part of the lp group. If not, consult your Linux distro documentation on how to add the user to the lp group. In most distros you can run (as root): "usermod -g lp yourusername"

Troubleshooting Scanning Problems

Does printer support scanning?

Is the printer in an error state? Run hp-check and verify in the installed printer queues section that the communication is "Good".

Run hp-check and verify that there are no errors.

Check hp-check -t that "scanner-build=yes

Verify that sane is configured with hpaio--run:

    export SANE_DEBUG_DLL=128

    scanimage -L

The printer should be detected.

View /var/log/syslogwhile scanning for any errors.  Depending on your distro you can run either; su -c "tail -f /var/log/syslog" or sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog, then try scanning and view the syslog for errors.

Is the user part of the scanner group? Run groups and verifiy. If not consult your Linux distro documentation on how to add the user to the scanner group.   In most distros you can run (as root): usermod -g scanner yourusername

For general connection or your printer is not detected by HPLIP troubleshooting steps

For USB problems

* Using any usb hubs? Try to not use any usb hubs.
* Good usb cable? Try a different usb cable or try a different usb port.
* Is the printer supported by the version of HPLIP installed?
* Is the printer supported by HPLIP? Go to our supported devices page.
* Is the printer powered on or in an error state?
* Does the printer work in windows?
* Do you have correct permissions to use the usb port? Run "hp-check -t", look in the bottom under the "USB I/O Setup" section, and verify that your username is part of the owner/group.This is usually the lp group.
* Follow the steps for troubleshooting USB connection problems.

For parallel problems

If you are having a problem printing to a parallel printer see, please this KB article on troubleshooting parallel printing problems.

For network problems

If you are having a problem printing to a network printer, please see this KB article on troubleshooting network printing problems.