Print Beat API Test

The user interface below can be used to test API calls against your PrintOS account. 

  In order to test the API endpoints below you will first need to generate a Key/Secret from your PrintOS account.

  You can find steps on how to generate this Key/Secret on the Authentication page. 

PrintOS Connector Role:

  • Print Beat data access - Allows you to query Print Beat data including historic, near-real time, OEE, and Color Beat* (* requires subscription)
  • Jobs Enquiries - Access Job Print Attempts for supported devices


Once you have a Key/Secrets follow the steps below:

  1. Enter a base URL from the drop-down list based on your environment:
    •  -  For Production accounts (most common)
    • - For development accounts in the staging environment (less common)
  2. Enter your Key and Secret in the respective API Key and API Secret fields.
  3. Select an API endpoint from the Choose and API Call drop-down list based on the type of call you would like to make.
  4. Once an endpoint is selected there may be additional Query Parameters or Path Parameters that need to be populated. Required fields are denoted with an asterisk (*).  When default values are available they will be populated.  Blank fields need to be manually entered.
  5. Click the Submit Request button to send a request to the selected API endpoint.  Response information will show in a new frame below.


Printbeat Service
