Team ownership of API Credentials

HP Developers portal teams allow team ownership of API Credentials

HP Developers teams and API Credentials ownership

HP Developers portal API Credentials may be managed by a group of users who share responsibility for the API credential. Once created by an individual user, that user can assign ownership of the API credential to a HP Developers portal API Credentials team that allows team members to share management for the API credential. An API Credentials team is managed by its members. A team can be created by any HP Developers portal user. Team members all receive email notification of API Credentials events for those API credentials owned by the team.

List of your teams

Teams are managed via the user's API Credentials Teams. To access API Credentials Teams, click on your user name in the upper right corner of the HP Developers portal page, then click on API Credentials teams:

1API Credentials team name
2API Credentials team description
3Click Create Team + to create a new team
4Click on the API Credentials team name link to edit the team

Create a new API Credentials team

Click the Create Team + to create a new team:

AEnter name of team
BEnter a description for the team
C and DTo limit the team members to those with a particular email address domain, enter the domain in C and click the checkbox D. If the checkbox is not enabled, team members can have email addresses from any domain
EClick Add a Team Member to add a HP Developers portal user to the team
FClick Save to create the team

Configure existing team

Any current team member can configure the team. On the My API Teams dashboard, click on the team name:

1Edit the name of the team
2Click Clone to create a copy of this team
3Edit the description of the team
4 and 5Click on the - or + (4) links to remove or add an email domain, Click the checkbox (5) to enforce that only HP Developers portal users with email addresses in these email domains can be team members
6The Team ID is an internal identifier for the team, it does not have any specific email functionality
7Click Add a Team Member to add a HP Developers portal user to the team
8Use the Search Team Members to find a member of the team
9Click the trashcan icon corresponding to a team member to delete that team member.
10To associate a Tech Group with this team, add the Tech Group to the Associated Groups field
11Click Save to save all changes
12Click Delete to delete this team. Note you cannot delete a team that currently owns API Credentials

Additional API Credentials teams actions

An API credential owner can be changed by its individual owner or any member of the team that owns it. See how to change an app owner for more information.

A Tech Group admin can manage the teams associated with the tech group. See Managing APIs for more information.