Site Flow API Test

To test the Site Flow API using this web page you will need a token and secret from the organization you wish to test against.   

Token/Secret can be requested from HP Site Flow support.

To make a call using this web page:

  1. Enter your token and secret in the API key and API Secret fields below
  2. Select the API call you wish to make from the Choose an API call drop-down menu
  3. If any additional information is needed like a POST/PUT body or specific parameters for the call there will be text boxes available to enter that information.
  4. Click the Submit Request at the bottom of the page to make the call.
  5. The response from the API call will be shown below with the Response tab showing the HTTP response code and the body of the response.   The Request tab will show the full URL that the API call was sent to as well as the authentication headers that were generated.

