Site Flow Light - Orders

4. Orders


In this article, you can see where you can find a list of submission errors, all orders, and each order's details page.

NOTE: This is the fourth article of this series, and follows Templates & Triggers.

Table of contents

Order list

All orders

Here, you will see a list of valid orders that have been sent to your account.

Each order has a Status (see below for details), several shipments (collections of things to be shipped), several Line Items (things to be produced), and a due date. You can find the documentation on submitting orders in the API Reference section.

Brands can send orders to your account by using your account name as the order “destination”. Your account name is shown at the top right corner of your screen.

The SLA counter at the top of the screen shows how many dispatches you are due to complete today and how far along that process you are.

Order status

When received, orders go through a life cycle that is indicated by the Order Status.
All statuses are described in the chart below:

Processing StatusesPendingA brand has submitted an order but has not cleared it for processing yet. At this time, your SLA has not begun, and the order cannot be processed 
Processing StatusesDataReadyThis indicates that we’ve received the order and are in the process of fetching the appropriate files. At this point, your SLA has not begun, and the order cannot be processed. 
Live StatusesPrintReadyWe have fetched all the files for the order, and it is now ready to produce. At this time, your SLA has begun, and the order items will appear in your Production section Complete - All production items have been completed and the order can now be shipped. 
Finished StatusesShippedThis order has been shipped and the Brand has been notified. 
Finished StatusesCancelledEither you or the brand has cancelled the order. The date/person will be recorded in the orders logs on the details page 
Exception StatusesErrorThere was a problem fetching the files associated with an order. See the order details for more information. 

You can use the filters on this page to view orders by status as well as by the date they were submitted.
Clicking an order or scanning a barcode while viewing the orders list will open the order details page.

Order details

As you select and click on an order, you see this page which shows you the contents of a given order. A panel on the right holds the order details, a log of order actions, and all postbacks associated with this order, as sent by Triggers.

In the center, see each shipment for the order displayed with a list of Line items within. 
You can expand or collapse Shipments and Line Items to limit the data in your view.


What are Attributes?

Attributes are a custom list of production details submitted by the brand for each item component. Typically, these will describe the Product substrate, finish, and binding.
You should agree with your brand and what attributes and values you intend to use.

What can you do on this screen? 

  • Click Cancel Order to cancel the order (see #1). 
  • Scan a barcode to identify a specific item in the order (see #2)
  • Click Download Files to download all production files associated with the order (see #3).
  • Click Print Job Sheets to print all Job sheets associated with the order (see #4).
  • Click Ship to ship a shipment (optionally enter a tracking number (see #5).
  • Click the thumbnail of a file to open the File Details modal discussed below (see #6).

File details modal

This modal displays the details of a given file when you click on its thumbnail.

What does the File status mean?  

  • Fetching/re-fetching - We are still fetching this file. 
  • The order will have “dataready” status if one or more files in it have this status.
  • Ready - This file is ready to print. 
  • If all files have this status, the order will have “Printready” Error status. This means something has gone wrong with fetching this file (usually the file is not at the specified path), if it can be fixed, then you can re-fetch it.

What can you do on this screen? 

  • Click Download File to download the production file.
  • Click Print Job Sheet to print the job sheet associated with the order. 
  • Click Refetch File to refetch the file (will reset the status to “fetching”) and amend the file using PDF studio, our sister product that allows PDF modification.

Submission errors

Any invalid orders (bad data) sent to your account are listed here. This section allows the errors to be fixed and resubmitted if required.
You can create a notification for submission errors in the Setup > Triggers section.

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