

Retrieves the available BIOS updates using Windows Update packages


Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate [[-Severity] <String>] [[-Family] <String>] [[-Url] <String>] [[-Quiet]] [[-SaveAs] <String>] [[-Download]] [[-Flash]] [[-Yes]] [[-Force]] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate [-Version] <String> [[-Family] <String>] [[-Url] <String>] [[-Quiet]] [[-SaveAs] <String>] [[-Download]] [[-Flash]] [[-Yes]] [[-Force]] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate [[-Family] <String>] [[-Url] <String>] [-List] [<CommonParameters>]


This command retrieves the available BIOS updates using Windows Update package by using an internet service to retrieve the list of BIOS capsule updates available for a platform family, and optionally install the update in the current system. The versions available through this command may differ from the Get-HPBIOSUpdate command since this command relies on the Microsoft capsules availability. The availability of the updates can be delayed due to the Windows Update in-flight processes.


Name Argument Description
Severity <String> If specified, this command returns the available BIOS for the specified severity: 'Latest' or 'LatestCritical'.
Version <String> Specifies the BIOS version to download. If not specified, the latest version available will be downloaded.
Family <String> Specifies the platform family to retrieve. If not specified, this command retrieves and applies the current platform family.
Url <String> Specifies an alternate Url source for the platform's BIOS update catalog (xml). This URL must be HTTPS.
Quiet If specified, this command will not display a progress bar during the BIOS file download.
SaveAs <String> Specifies the file name for the downloaded BIOS file. If not specified, the remote file name will be used.
In order to use the downloaded file with the Add-HPBIOSWindowsUpdateScripts command, the file name must follow the standard: platform family (3 digit) + underscore + BIOS version (6 digits) + .cab, for instance:
Download If specified, this command downloads the BIOS file to the current directory or a path specified by the -SaveAs parameter.
Flash If specified, this command checks and applies the BIOS update to the current system.
Yes If specified, this command will show an 'Are you sure you want to flash' prompt. This parameter prevents users from accidentally flashing the BIOS.
Force If specified, this command forces the BIOS to update even if the target BIOS is already installed.
List If specified, this command will display a list with all the BIOS versions available for the specified platform.


  • Requires Windows group policy support


PS C:\> Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate

PS C:\> Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate -List -Family R70

PS C:\> Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate -Flash -Severity Latest

PS C:\> Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate -Flash -Severity LatestCritical

PS C:\> Get-HPBIOSWindowsUpdate -Flash -Severity LatestCritical -Family R70