

Sets the repository notification configuration in the current repository


Set-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration [[-Server] <String>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-Tls] <String>] [[-Username] <String>] [[-Password] <String>] [[-From] <String>] [[-FromName] <String>] [[-RemoveCredentials]] [<CommonParameters>]


This command defines a notification Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server (and optionally, port) for an email server to be used to send failure notifications during unattended synchronization via the Invoke-RepositorySync command.

One or more recipients can then be added via the Add-RepositorySyncFailureRecipient command.

This command must be invoked inside a directory initialized as a repository using the Initialize-Repository command.


Name Argument Description
Server <String> Specifies the server name (or IP) for the outgoing mail (SMTP) server
Port <Int32> Specifies a port for the SMTP server. If not specified, the default IANA-assigned port 25 will be used.
Tls <String> Specifies the usage for Transport Layer Security (TLS). The value may be 'true', 'false', or 'auto'. 'Auto' will automatically set TLS to true when the port is changed to a value different than 25. By default, TLS is false. Please note that TLS is the successor protocol to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Username <String> Specifies the SMTP server username for authenticated SMTP servers. If not specified, connection will be made without authentication.
Password <String> Specifies the SMTP server password for authenticated SMTP servers.
From <String> Specifies the email address from which the notification will appear to originate. Note that some servers may accept emails from specified domains only or require the email address to match the username.
FromName <String> Specifies the from address display name
RemoveCredentials If specified, this command will remove the SMTP server credentials without removing the entire mail server configuration.


PS C:\> Set-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration

See also