Ship API Integration process

Ship API Integration Process

To begin integrating, please follow the steps below:

  1. Request a partnerID and apiKey for the new integration by contacting Site Flow Support. Once this request is made, HP creates a new shipping method on the PSP Site Flow account and will provide the two values. Notice that charges may apply to the addition of a new integration
    • The partnerId can be any name/code used to identify the specific partner integration, e.g. the company name. For example, abcprint can be used for the company named ABC Print.

    • The apiKey should be a secure random key in hex format. Ideally should be 20 bytes or more. e.g. to generate a new key using node.js: crypto.randomBytes(20).toString("hex"). For example, "012345678901234567890123456789" could be used as an apiKey.

  2. Locate the new shipping method on the PSP Site Flow account with the newly created shipping method. This new shipping method includes integration fields for partnerID and apiKey.
  3. Create an HTTPS endpoint that handles the shipment request submitted by Site Flow.
    • The following is an example of an endpoint:
    • The /shipment is added by Site Flow to the endpoint. Please, set up the system to ensure this is supported.
  4. Add the HTTPS endpoint to the shipping method.
    • For more information on the HTTPS endpoint, see the Partner Endpoint section.
    • Signed requests are submitted to this HTTPS endpoint when an item is shipped.
    • When an item is shipped in Site Flow, the shipping request and shipping method integration fields are forwarded to Site Flow, which does the following:
      • Signs the request using the provided partnerId and apiKey
      • Forwards the request to the Partner endpoint over HTTPS
      • Parses the response from the Partner endpoint
      • Verifies the signature on the response from the Partner endpoint
      • Returns a correctly formatted response to Site Flow

Ship API Integration Example

An example integration which you should be able to fork and modify and send shipments to is here:!/ofs-shipping
To use the example integration at this endpoint, configure the following fields on your shipping method in Site Flow:

  • "endpoint": "",
  • "apiKey": "012345678901234567890123456789",
  • "partnerId": "abcprint"