

Creates an HP Secure Platform Management payload to provision a Signing Key key


New-HPSecurePlatformSigningKeyProvisioningPayload [-EndorsementKeyFile] <FileInfo> [[-EndorsementKeyPassword] <String>] [[-SigningKeyFile] <FileInfo>] [[-SigningKeyPassword] <String>] [[-Nonce] <UInt32>] [[-OutputFile] <FileInfo>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-HPSecurePlatformSigningKeyProvisioningPayload [-EndorsementKeyFile] <FileInfo> [[-EndorsementKeyPassword] <String>] [[-SigningKeyCertificate] <X509Certificate2>] [[-Nonce] <UInt32>] [[-OutputFile] <FileInfo>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-HPSecurePlatformSigningKeyProvisioningPayload [[-SigningKeyFile] <FileInfo>] [[-SigningKeyPassword] <String>] [-EndorsementKeyCertificate] <X509Certificate2> [[-Nonce] <UInt32>] [[-OutputFile] <FileInfo>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-HPSecurePlatformSigningKeyProvisioningPayload [-EndorsementKeyCertificate] <X509Certificate2> [[-SigningKeyCertificate] <X509Certificate2>] [[-Nonce] <UInt32>] [[-OutputFile] <FileInfo>] [<CommonParameters>]

New-HPSecurePlatformSigningKeyProvisioningPayload [[-Nonce] <UInt32>] [[-OutputFile] <FileInfo>] [-RemoteEndorsementKeyID] <String> [[-RemoteSigningKeyID] <String>] [-RemoteSigningServiceURL] <String> [[-CacheAccessToken]] [<CommonParameters>]


This command creates an HP Secure Platform Management payload to provision a Signing Key key. The purpose of the signing key is to sign commands for the Secure Platform Management. The Signing key is protected by the endorsement key. As a result, the endorsement key private key must be available when provisioning or changing the signing key. There are three signing options to choose from: - Signing Key File (and Password) using -SigningKeyFile and -SigningKeyPassword parameters - Signing Key Certificate using -SigningKeyCertificate parameter - Remote Signing using -RemoteSigningServiceKeyID and -RemoteSigningServiceURL parameters

There are three endorsement options to choose from: - Endorsement Key File (and Password) using -EndorsementKeyFile and -EndorsementKeyPassword parameters - Endorsement Key Certificate using -EndorsementKeyCertificate parameter - Remote Endorsement using -RemoteEndorsementKeyID and -RemoteSigningServiceURL parameters

Please note that using a Key File with Password in PFX format is recommended over using an X509 Certificate object because a private key in a certificate is not password protected.

This command writes the created payload to the pipeline or to the file specified in the -OutputFile parameter. This payload can then be passed to the Set-HPSecurePlatformPayload command.

Security note: Payloads should only be created on secure servers. Once created, the payload may be transferred to a client and applied via the Set-HPSecurePlatformPayload command. Please note that creating the payload and passing it to the Set-HPSecurePlatformPayload command via the pipeline is not a recommended production pattern.


Name Argument Description
EndorsementKeyFile <FileInfo> Specifies the Key Endorsement key certificate as a PFX (PKCS #12) file
EndorsementKeyPassword <String> Specifies the password for the Endorsement Key PFX file. If no password was used when the PFX was created (which is not recommended), this parameter may be omitted.
SigningKeyFile <FileInfo> Specifies the path to the Secure Platform Management signing key as a PFX file. If the PFX file is protected by a password (recommended), the SigningKeyPassword parameter should also be provided.
SigningKeyPassword <String> Specifies the Secure Platform Management signing key file password, if required.
EndorsementKeyCertificate <X509Certificate2> Specifies the endorsement key certificate as an X509Certificate object
SigningKeyCertificate <X509Certificate2> Specifies the Secure Platform Management signing key certificate as an X509Certificate object
Nonce <UInt32> Specifies a Nonce. If nonce is specified, the Secure Platform Management subsystem will only accept commands with a nonce greater or equal to the last nonce sent. This approach helps to prevent replay attacks. If not specified, the nonce is inferred from the current local time. The current local time as the nonce works in most cases. However, this approach has a resolution of seconds, so when performing parallel operations or a high volume of operations, it is possible for the same counter to
be interpreted for more than one command. In these cases, the caller should use its own nonce derivation and provide it through this parameter.
OutputFile <FileInfo> Specifies the file to write output to instead of writing the output to the pipeline
RemoteEndorsementKeyID <String> Specifies the Endorsement Key ID to be used
RemoteSigningKeyID <String> Specifies the Signing Key ID to be provisioned
RemoteSigningServiceURL <String> Specifies the (Key Management Service) KMS server URL (I.e.: This URL must be HTTPS.
CacheAccessToken If specified, the access token is cached in msalcache.dat file and user credentials will not be asked again until the credentials expire.
This parameter should be specified for caching the access token when performing multiple operations on the KMS server.
If access token is not cached, the user must re-enter credentials on each call of this command.


  • Requires HP BIOS with Secure Platform Management support.


PS C:\> $payload = New-HPSecurePlatformSigningKeyProvisioningPayload -EndorsementKeyFile "$path\endorsement_key.pfx" ` PS C:\> -SigningKeyFile "$path\signing_key.pfx" PS C:\> ... PS C:\> $payload | Set-HPSecurePlatformPayload

See also