

Sets the allowed reporting purposes for HP Analytics


Set-HPAnalyticsConsentAllowedPurposes [-AllowedPurposes] {Marketing | Support | ProductEnhancement} [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPAnalyticsConsentAllowedPurposes [-None] [<CommonParameters>]


This command configures how HP may use the data reported. The allowed purposes are:

  • Marketing: The data may be used for marketing purposes.
  • Support: The data may be used for support purposes.
  • ProductEnhancement: The data may be used for product enhancement purposes.

Note that you may supply any combination of the above purpose in a single command. Any of the purposes not included in the list will be explicitly rejected.


Name Argument Description
AllowedPurposes <TelemetryPurpose[]> Specifies a list of allowed purposes for the reported data. The value must be one (or more) of the following values:
- Marketing
- Support
- ProductEnhancement

The purposes included in this list will be explicitly accepted. The purposes not included in this list will be explicitly rejected.
None If specified, this command rejects all purposes.


This command requires elevated privileges.


PS C:\> # Accepts all purposes PS C:\> Set-HPAnalyticsConsentAllowedPurposes -AllowedPurposes Marketing,Support,ProductEnhancement

PS C:\> # Sets ProductEnhancement, rejects everything else PS C:\> Set-HPAnalyticsConsentAllowedPurposes -AllowedPurposes ProductEnhancement

PS C:\> # Rejects all purposes PS C:\> Set-HPAnalyticsConsentAllowedPurposes -None

See also
