Foveated Rendering with Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition

Foveated Rendering with Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition

Reverb G2 Omnicept headset includes sensors for eye tracking that can be utilized for foveated rendering end users and developers who will be making applications that utilize foveated rendering for a realistic viewing experience.   Below we outline the requirements depending on your role and implementation.


Developer Option

Developer Option

Developer Option


Nvidia VRSS2

Omnicept Foveated Rendering Plugin  

Nvidia VRWorks or VRSWrapper

Experience foveated rendering with supported applications. VRSS2 works with Tobii's eye tracking to optimize supersampling at the eye gaze location

Customize your foveated rendering experience with Omnicept foveated rendering plugin based on Nvidia VRS.  

Use VRSWrapper to capture eyegaze data to integrate to increases rendering performance and quality by varying the shading rate for different regions of the frame.





Foveated Rendering supported application*

Unity or Unreal Engine 4
Unity or Unreal Engine 4
Omnicept Headset Omnicept Headset Omnicept Headset  Omnicept Headset
Omnicept Runtime (Tobii Eye Tracking) Omnicept Runtime (Tobii Eye Tracking) Omnicept Runtime (Tobii Eye Tracking) Omnicept Runtime (Tobii Eye Tracking)

RTX graphics card

RTX graphics card RTX graphics card RTX graphics card
Omnicept Eye Tracking Calibration  DirectX11 or higher DirectX11 or higher DirectX11 or higher


Your application on the approve list for VRSS2* Omnicept Foveated Rendering package VRWorks VRS or VRS Wrapper

Nvidia VRSS2  - No code needed, but application must be approved to run foveated rendering

VRS and VRSS2 can be applied to all VR games and applications that are DX11, Forward Rendered and have MSAA.

*In the Nvidia Driver settings:  Navigate to Manage 3D Settings and the setting VRSS can be set to Adaptive or Always On.   Adaptive will take into account the headroom the GPU has for the extra sampling speed, and will expand or contract the supersampling area.

Adaptive Mode: Takes performance limits into consideration, maximizing the size of the supersampling region without hindering the VR experience. The size of the foveated region grows and shrinks in proportion to the available GPU headroom.
Always On: A fixed-sized foveated region is always supersampled, providing maximum image quality (IQ) improvements. The size of the foveated region is adequate to cover the central portion of the user’s field of view. This mode will help users perceive the maximum IQ gains possible for a given title using VRSS. However, this may also result in frame drops for applications that are performance intensive.

**Developers do not have to write any code to integrate VRSS2; they simply submit their VR game or application to NVIDIA for testing. NVIDIA will test the VR game or application, and if it benefits from VRSS, then it will be allow-listed in the NVIDIA Driver.* VRSS benefits both new and existing VR games and applications.

VRSS2 is available in NVIDIA Driver R465


Omnicept Unity Plugin - Easy to use plugin to add to your project

Based on VRS, this is an easy to use Unity plugin for your project.  The High Definition Render Pipeline is not yet supported.  Confirm your system meets the requirements, and then use the README file within the plugin to setup for your project.


Nvidia VRS - The most flexible but more coding required

Learn more about VRS or the VRS Wrapper intended to make using Foveated Rendering simpler to implement.  Details to be announced on how to implement this for Unreal Engine but check our Nvidia's API and samples.   If you are interested in Unity, you should check out our Omnicept Foveated Rendering plugin.