
This module adds output sinks (destinations) where these sinks can be used by other commands.

Syslog sink

Function Description
Send-ToSyslog Sends a message to a syslog server

Windows Event Log sink

Function Description
Send-ToEventLog Sends a message to an event log
Register-EventLogSink Registers a source in an event log
Unregister-EventLogSink Unregisters a source registered by the Register-EventLogSink command

Error log entry

Function Description
Set-HPCMSLLogFormat Sets the format used by the Write-Log* commands
Get-HPCMSLLogFormat Retrieves the format used by the log commands
Write-LogError Writes an 'error' log entry
Write-LogInfo Writes an 'informational' log entry
Write-LogWarning Writes a 'warning' log entry