

Retrieves a list of SoftPaqs for the current platform or a specified platform ID


Get-SoftpaqList [[-Platform] <String>] [[-Bitness] <String>] [[-Os] <String>] [[-OsVer] <String>] [[-ReferenceUrl] <String>] [[-Quiet]] [[-Format] <String>] [[-Overwrite] <String>] [[-Category] <String[]>] [[-ReleaseType] <String[]>] [[-Characteristic] <String[]>] [[-CacheDir] <DirectoryInfo>] [[-MaxRetries] <Int32>] [[-PreferLTSC]] [[-SoftpaqUrl] <String>] [[-AddHttps]] [<CommonParameters>]

Get-SoftpaqList [-Platform <String>] [-Bitness <String>] [-Os <String>] [-OsVer <String>] [-ReferenceUrl <String>] [-Quiet] [-Format <String>] [[-DownloadDirectory] <String>] [[-Download]] [[-DownloadMetadata]] [[-DownloadNotes]] [[-FriendlyName]] [-Overwrite <String>] [-Category <String[]>] [-ReleaseType <String[]>] [-Characteristic <String[]>] [-CacheDir <DirectoryInfo>] [-MaxRetries <Int32>] [-PreferLTSC] [-SoftpaqUrl <String>] [-AddHttps] [<CommonParameters>]


This command retrieves a list of SoftPaqs for the current platform or a specified platform ID. Note that this command is not supported in WinPE.


Name Argument Description
Platform <String> Specifies a platform ID to retrieve a list of associated SoftPaqs. If not specified, the current platform ID is used.
Bitness <String> Specifies the platform bitness (32 or 64 or arm64). If not specified, the current platform bitness is used.
Os <String> Specifies an OS for this command to filter based on. The value must be 'win10' or 'win11'. If not specified, the current platform OS is used.
OsVer <String> Specifies an OS version for this command to filter based on. The value must be a string value specifying the target OS Version (e.g. '1809', '1903', '1909', '2004', '2009', '21H1', '21H2', '22H2', '23H2', '24H2', etc). If this parameter is not specified, the current operating system version is used.
ReferenceUrl <String> Specifies an alternate location for the HP Image Assistant (HPIA) Reference files. If passing a file path, the path can be relative path or absolute path. If passing a URL to this parameter, the URL must be a HTTPS URL. The HPIA Reference files are expected to be inside a directory named after the platform ID pointed to by this parameter.
For example, if you want to point to system ID 83b2, OS Win10, and OSVer 2009 reference files, the Get-SoftpaqList command will try to find them in: $ReferenceUrl/83b2/
If not specified, '' is used by default, and fallback is set to ''.
Quiet If specified, this command will suppress non-essential messages during execution.
Format <String> Specifies the format of the output results. The value must be one of the following values:
- Json

If not specified, results are returned as PowerShell objects.
DownloadDirectory <String> Specifies a directory for the downloaded files
Download If specified, this command will download matching SoftPaqs.
DownloadMetadata If specified, this command will download CVA files (metadata) for matching SoftPaqs.
DownloadNotes If specified, this command will download note files (human readable info files) for matching SoftPaqs.
FriendlyName If specified, this command will retrieve the SoftPaq metadata and create a friendly file name based on the SoftPaq title. Applies if the Download parameter is specified.
Overwrite <String> Specifies the the overwrite behavior. The value must be one of the following values:
- no: (default if this parameter is not specified) do not overwrite existing files
- yes: force overwrite
- skip: skip existing files without any error
Category <String[]> Specifies a category of SoftPaqs for this command to filter based on. The value must be one (or more) of the following values:
- Bios
- Firmware
- Driver
- Software
- OS
- Manageability
- Diagnostic
- Utility
- Driverpack
- Dock
- UWPPack
ReleaseType <String[]> Specifies a release type for this command to filter based on. The value must be one (or more) of the following values:
- Critical
- Recommended
- Routine

If this parameter is not specified, all release types are included.
Characteristic <String[]> Specifies characteristics for this command to filter based on. The value must be one (or more) of the following values:
CacheDir <DirectoryInfo> Specifies a location for caching data files. If not specified, the user-specific TEMP directory is used.
MaxRetries <Int32> Specifies the maximum number of retries allowed to obtain an exclusive lock to downloaded files. This is relevant only when files are downloaded into a shared directory and multiple processes may be reading or writing from the same location.

The current default value is 10 retries, and each retry includes a 30 second pause, which means the maximum time the default value will wait for an exclusive logs is 300 seconds or 5 minutes.
PreferLTSC If specified and if the data file exists, this command retrieves the Long-Term Servicing Branch/Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSB/LTSC) Reference file for the specified platform ID. If the data file does not exist, this command uses the regular Reference file for the specified platform.
SoftpaqUrl <String> Specifies an alternate location for the SoftPaq URL. This URL must be HTTPS. The SoftPaqs are expected to be at the location pointed to by this URL. If not specified, is used via HTTPS protocol.
AddHttps If specified, this command prepends the https tag to the url, ReleaseNotes, and Metadata SoftPaq attributes.


The response is a record set composed of zero or more SoftPaq records. The definition of a record is as follows:

Field Description
Id The SoftPaq identifier
Name The SoftPaq name (title)
Category The SoftPaq category
Version The SoftPaq version
Vendor The author of the SoftPaq
ReleaseType The SoftPaq release type
SSM This flag indicates this SoftPaq support unattended silent install
DPB This flag indicates this SoftPaq is included in driver pack builds
Url The SoftPaq download URL
ReleaseNotes The URL to a human-readable rendering of the SoftPaq release notes
Metadata The URL to the SoftPaq metadata (CVA) file
Size The SoftPaq size, in bytes
ReleaseDate The date the SoftPaq was published
UWP (where available) This flag indicates this SoftPaq contains Universal Windows Platform applications


PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Download

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Bitness 64 -Os win10 -OsVer 1903

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Platform 83b2 -Os win10 -OsVer "21H1"

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Platform 8444 -Category Diagnostic -Format json

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Category Driverpack

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -ReleaseType Critical -Characteristic SSM

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Platform 83b2 -Category Dock,Firmware -ReleaseType Routine,Critical

PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqList -Platform 2216 -Category Driverpack -Os win10 -OsVer 1607 -PreferLTSC

See also