

Downloads the metadata of a SoftPaq metadata in CVA file format from or from a specified alternate server


Get-SoftpaqMetadata [-Number] <String> [[-Url] <String>] [[-MaxRetries] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command downloads the metadata of a SoftPaq metadata in CVA file format from or from a specified alternate server. If the -URL parameter is not specified, the SoftPaq metadata is downloaded from

Please note that this command is called in the Get-SoftPaqMetadataFile command if the -FriendlyName parameter is specified.


Name Argument Description
Number <String> Specifies a SoftPaq number to retrieve the metadata from. Do not include any prefixes like 'SP' or any extensions like '.exe'. Please specify the SoftPaq number only.
Url <String> Specifies an alternate location for the SoftPaq URL. This URL must be HTTPS. The SoftPaq CVAs are expected to be at the location pointed to by this URL. If not specified, is used via HTTPS protocol.
MaxRetries <Int32> Specifies the maximum number of retries allowed to obtain an exclusive lock to downloaded files. This is relevant only when files are downloaded into a shared directory and multiple processes may be reading or writing from the same location.

Current default value is 10 retries, and each retry includes a 30 second pause, which means the maximum time the default value will wait for an exclusive logs is 300 seconds or 5 minutes.


PS C:\> Get-SoftpaqMetadata -Number 1234 | Out-SoftpaqField -field Title

See also