

Sets the value of a BIOS setting on the current device unless specified for another platform


Set-HPBIOSSettingValue [[-Password] <String>] [-Name] <String> [-Value] <String> [[-SkipPrecheck]] [[-ComputerName] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPBIOSSettingValue [[-Password] <String>] [-Name] <String> [-Value] <String> [[-SkipPrecheck]] [-CimSession] <CimSession> [<CommonParameters>]


This command sets the value of a BIOS setting on the current device unless specified for another platform. Note that some BIOS settings may have various constraints restricting the input that can be provided.


Name Argument Description
Password <String> Specifies the setup password, if any
Name <String> Specifies the name of a BIOS setting to set. Note that the setting name is usually case sensitive.
Value <String> Specifies the new value for the BIOS setting specified in the -Name parameter
SkipPrecheck If specified, this command skips reading the setting value from the BIOS before applying the new value. This parameter is used for optimization purposes when the setting is guaranteed to exist on the system, or when preparing an HP Sure Admin platform for a remote platform which may contain settings not present on the local platform.
ComputerName <Object> Specifies a target computer for this command to create its own one-time-use CIMSession object using with. If not specified, this command will use the current device as the target computer for this command. The alias 'Target' can also be used for this parameter.
CimSession <CimSession> Specifies a pre-established CIMSession object (as created by the New-CIMSession command) or a ComputerName in string format for this command to create a one-time-use CIMSession object with


  • Requires HP BIOS.
  • Use single quotes around the password to prevent PowerShell from interpreting special characters in the string.
  • By convention, when representing multiple values in an enumeration as a single string, the value with an asterisk in front is the currently active value. For example, given the string "One,*Two,Three" representing three possible enumeration choices, the current active value is "Two".


PS C:\> Set-HPBIOSSettingValue -Name "Asset Tracking Number" -Value "Hello World" -password 's3cr3t'