Integration tools functionality chart

How to read this overview chart (click on image to view)

For practical purposes we divide, very roughly, the use cases for integration in three scenario categories. For each category we have determined a minimal data refresh frequency that is needed to make the most common scenarios in this category feasible.

  Means that the integration tool can cover the data and frequency requirements in this category.

~ Symbol means "about", means that the integration tool can mostly cover the data and frequency requirements in this category.


Scenario category Update frequency

Track and Trace - Scenarios that deal with constant monitoring of jobs and devices, often to inform upstream MIS or production management systems or to integrate with other solutions that require high frequency monitoring.

once per minute or less 
Production Optimization - scenarios that deal with semi-live monitoring and optimization of productivity, uptime, efficiency or waste. Scenarios that need fresh data no more than once per shift or a few times per day. once per hour or less
Reporting - Scenarios that deal with ad hoc reporting or recurring reporting for logistical, commercial or analytical purposes. Scenarios that need data on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. once per day or less
Common terms  
Real time - not a frequency term but an immediacy term, meaning virtually instantaneous less than a second
Near real time - not a frequency term but an immediacy term, meaning within a few seconds less than a few seconds
Current - update frequency commonly used by Print Beat API and Jobs API every 5-10 minutes


iServe is a service that resides on every HP Indigo press and is used by customers for reporting purposes. Customers can query and download data from its database. It is the only recommended method for validating click charge invoicing. There is no public API for iServe.