Print Beat Property Specifications

The tabbed section below shows the list of properties that apply for each context that can be referenced for certain API endpoints. 

Print Beat Jobs Print Attempts 'jobs' context

Property Specifications for Print Beat Jobs Print Attempts for context jobs

Name: deviceId
Type: String
Max Length: 36
Description: The PrintOS device ID of a Press device.
Name: duplex
Type: Boolean
Description: Indicates whether or not this job is printed on both sides of the media. A value of true indicates printing on both sides, a value of false indicates printing on only one side. No value indicates that we do not know whether or not this was a duplex job.
Name: epmImpressions
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of EPM impressions for the Print Attempt.
Name: impressions
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of impressions for the Print Attempt.
Name: impressions1Color
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of one color impressions for the Print Attempt.
Name: impressions2Colors
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of two color impressions for the Print Attempt.
Name: impressionsNColors
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of 3-or-more color impressions for the Print Attempt.
Name: impressionsType
Type: Enum
Max Length: 32
Description: Impressions are measured as an integer value based on the number of colors of inks used. This property contains an enum value representing the size of these impressions.
A3 Value that represents the type of impressions shown are A3 impressions.
B1 Value that represents the type of impressions shown are B1 impressions.
B2 Value that represents the type of impressions shown are B2 impressions.
Name: inks
Type: JSON
Max Length: 1000
Description: Provides information about the types of inks used by the Print Attempt and how much of each was used. The Inks information is stored as a complex object containing the following members:
Name Type Description
inks JSON Array of inks used. Each ink is stored as a complex object containing the following members:
Name Type Description
color String The name of the ink used.
amountUsed Integer The amount of ink used (see 'units' property above for more information).
inkSerialNumber String Ink Can Serial Number used.
Consumer Notes: This information as a JSON string.  See the examples below to see what this looks like in a JSON string, the value is a string version of the JSON example.
inks": [ 
      "color": "Black", 
      "inkSerialNumber": "Egc2X346634.750459"              
      "amountUsed": "983" 
      "color": "Cyan", 
      "inkSerialNumber": "Egm2Y369734.750415"                    
      "amountUsed": "980" 
      "color": "Pantone-253", 
      "inkSerialNumber": "Egk2X854534.750221"              
      "amountUsed": "980" 
Name: inkUnits
Type: Enum
Description: Ink usage is measured as an integer value representing the number of units of ink used. This property contains an enum value representing the unit-of-measure of these values.
IMPRESSIONS Indicates that the values represent the number of impressions printed with that color.
Name: jobCollation
Type: Boolean
Description: When collation is true individual sheets or frames will be arranged in sequence for each copy. For example, if you are printing two copies of a three-sheet job, all sheets of copy 1 are printed in order, followed by all sheets of copy 2. If collation is false, all copies of sheet/frame 1 are printed, followed by all copies of sheet/frame 2, followed by all copies of sheet/frame 3.
Name: jobCompleteTime
Type: Date
Description: For Print Attempt, it is the time that the job finished printing or was aborted. For jobs still in progress, should be null. The time is represented as string in ISO-8601 format with the fractional seconds portion providing millisecond accurracy.
Consumer Notes: This always has a timezone of GMT with the date and time reflecting the local date and time on the device. For example, if a job was submitted on Jan 1, 2018 10:00AM New York time, the time in this field would look like 2018-01-01T10:00Z (note that the notion that this occurred in the New York time zone is not represented in the data).
Name: jobElapseTime
Type: Duration
Description: The time the job took (or has taken so far) in seconds. This is the difference between when the job started and when it ended (or 'now' if it is still in progress). This is a total, not net, time. This is based upon the properties jobSubmitTime and jobCompleteTime ('now' is used if jobCompleteTime is null).
Name: jobName
Type: String
Case-sensitive: No
Max Length: 255
Description: The friendly name of the job.
Name: copies
Type: Integer
Description: Number of printed copies.
Name: siteName
Type: String
Description: Organization press site.
Name: width
Type: Integer
Description: Job width.
Name: useOfVDP
Type: String
Description: VDP Job.
Name: printedJobId
Type: String
Description: HP Internal Job ID (for tracking purpose).
Name: height
Type: Integer
Description: Job height.
Name: jobProgress
Type: Enum
Max Length: 20
Description: Enumeration indicating the phase of processing that the job is in.
PRINTED The Press job has successfully completed printing. It may be in the Retained queue or have been deleted 
ABORTED The job was aborted. It may or may not have had any successful Print Attempts before being aborted. It may have been aborted in the middle of a Print Attempt. If this was a Print Attempt job, the Print Attempt job data can be used to determine how much printing was done before the job was aborted. It may still be in the Retained queue (allowing for possible additional prints), or it may have been deleted (see LocationType for how to determine which it is).
Name: jobSubmitTime
Type: Date
Description: The time the job was submitted to the device. The time is represneted as a string in ISO-8601 format with the fractional seconds portion providing millisecond accurracy.
Consumer Notes: This always has a timezone of GMT with the date and time reflecting the local date and time on the device. For example, if a job was submitted on Jan 1, 2018 10:00AM New York time, the time in this field would look like 2018-01-01T10:00Z (note that the notion that this occurred in the New York time zone is not represented in the data).
Name: marker
Type: Long
Description: This field is used as an aid to reading job records using the APIs. The marker of a record can be passed to the API as an anchor to get the next page of records after (or before) the marker. When paging through the results, the marker value in the last record returned by the previous call should be used as the 'startMarker' parameter in the next request.
Name: oneShotImpressions
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of one shot impressions for the Print Attempt.
Name: pressSerialNumber
Type: String
Case-sensitive: Yes
Max Length: 64
Description: The press serial number providing the job data.
Name: printedSheets
Type: Integer
Description: The total number of printed sheets for the Print Attempt.
Name: repeatLength
Type: Integer
Description: The repeat length of a job printed on a WEB press in micrometers (0.000001 meters).
Name: substrates
Type: JSON
Max Length: 800
Description: Provides information about the types of substrates used by the Print Run and how much of each was used. The Substrates information is stored as a complex object containing the following members:
Name Type Description
substrates JSON Array of substrates used. Each substrate is stored as a complex object containing the following members:
Name Type Description
name String The name of the substrate used.
amountUsed Integer The amount of substrate used (see 'units' property above for more information).
Consumer Notes: This information as a JSON string. See the examples below to see what this looks like in a JSON string, the value is a string version of the JSON example.
substrates": [ 
      "name": "MaxPaper", 
      "amountUsed": "583" 
      "name": "Glossy", 
      "amountUsed": "400" 
Name: substrateUnits
Type: Enum
Description: Substrate usage is measured as an integer value representing the number of units of substrate used. This property contains an enum value representing the unit-of-measure of these values.
SHEETS Substrate value represents the number of sheets of paper printed.
MILLIMETERS Substrate value represents the length of the substrate used in millimeters (0.001 meters).
Print Beat Daily 'RealTimeData' context

Property Specifications for Print Beat Daily for context RealTimeData

Name: pressName
Type: String
Description: PrintOS Press name.
Name: deviceSerialNumber
Type: String
Description: The customer's country. The customer information is supplied for Indigo Press jobs as part of the JDF job description submitted to the DFE.
Name: pressState
Type: String
Description: Press State.
Name: currentJob
Type: String
Description: Current job.
Name: jobsInQueue
Type: Integer
Description: Number of jobs in queue.
Name: substrates
Type: JSON
Description: substrates:
Name Type Description
substrates JSON Array of inks used. Each ink is stored as a complex object containing the following members:
Name Type Description
Name String The name of the substrate used.
Thickness Integer  
Weight Integer  
Length Integer  
Width Integer  
Gloss String  
DefinedWeightUnit String  
MediaHasMfp Boolean  
CentrallyManaged Boolean  
        "Name": "string",
        "Thickness": 0,
        "Weight": 0,
        "Length": 0,
        "Width": 0,
        "Gloss": "Unknown",
        "DefinedWeightUnit": "Unknown",
        "MediaHasMfp": false,
        "CentrallyManaged": false
Name: printedJobs
Type: Integer
Description: Number of printed jobs.
Name: sheets
Type: Integer
Description: Number of printed sheets.
Name: timeToCompletePendingJobs
Type: Integer
Description: Time To Complete Pending Jobs.
Name: operatorName
Type: String
Description: Operator Name.
Name: shiftDataRespond
Type: JSON
Description: Provides information about the Shift defined.
Name Type Description
shiftDataRespond JSON Array of Shift data:
Name Type Description
startTime Date The start time of current Shift.
endTime Date

The end time of current Shift

shiftName String The name of current Shift.
      "startTime": "2023-06-14T06:43:21.842Z", 
      "endTime": "2023-06-14T06:43:21.842Z" 

      "shiftName": "DAY_DEFAULT_SHIFT"
Name: colorTestScore
Type: Integer
Description: Color Test Score.
Name: maintenanceStatus
Type: String
Description: Maintenance Status.
Name: version
Type: String
Description: Press SW Version.
Name: model
Type: String
Description: Press Model Type.
Name: lastTimeStateChanged
Type: Date
Description: Last Time Press State Changed.
Name: value
Type: Integer
Description: value.
Name: totalImpsSinceInstallation
Type: Integer
Description: Total Impressions Since Installation.
Name: totalPrintedImpsSinceInstallation
Type: Integer
Description: Total Printed Impressions Since Installation.
Name: totalPrintedSheetsSinceInstallation
Type: Integer
Description: Total Printed Sheets Since Installation.
Name: totalPrintedMetersSinceInstallation
Type: Integer
Description: Total Printed Meters Since Installation.
Name: totalPrintedSquareMetersSinceInstallation
Type: Integer
Description: Total Printed Square Meters Since Installation.
Name: meters
Type: Integer
Description: Total Printed Meters Since Shift or Day start.
Name: impressionsPerHour
Type: Integer
Description: Impressions Per Hour.
Name: sheetsPerHour
Type: Integer
Description: Sheets Per Hour.
Name: metersPerHour
Type: Integer
Description: Meters Per Hour.