
This module provides functionality for managing Consent for HP Analytics.

This module includes commands for IT admins to use to manage HP Telemetry privacy settings on remotely managed systems in an enterprise environment on behalf of users.

Detailed Documentation for enabling and disabling consent registry keys is available here.

Retrieve Current HP Analytics Configuration

Function Description
Get-HPAnalyticsConsentConfiguration Retrieves the current configured HP Analytics reporting configuration

Set HP Analytics Device Ownership

Function Description
Set-HPAnalyticsConsentDeviceOwnership Sets the ManagedBy (ownership) of a device, for the purpose of HP Analytics reporting

Set HP Analytics Device Tenant ID

Function Description
Set-HPAnalyticsConsentTenantID Sets the Tenant ID of a device for the purpose of HP Analytics reporting

Set HP Analytics Reporting purpose

Function Description
Set-HPAnalyticsConsentAllowedPurposes Sets allowed reporting purposes for HP Analytics