

Sets one or more BIOS settings from a file on the current device unless specified for another platform


Set-HPBIOSSettingValuesFromFile [-File] <FileInfo> [[-Format] <String>] [[-Password] <String>] [[-NoSummary]] [[-ComputerName] <String>] [[-ErrorHandling] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPBIOSSettingValuesFromFile [-File] <FileInfo> [[-Format] <String>] [[-Password] <String>] [[-NoSummary]] [[-ErrorHandling] <Object>] [-CimSession] <CimSession> [<CommonParameters>]


This command sets multiple BIOS settings from a file on the current device unless specified for another platform. The file format may be specified via the -Format parameter; however, this command will try to infer the format from the file extension.


Name Argument Description
File <FileInfo> Specifies the file to process. This parameter can take in both a relative path and an absolute path. Note that BIOS passwords are not encrypted in this file. Protect the file contents until applied to the target system.
Format <String> Specifies the format of the input file in the File parameter. The value must be one of the following values:

If not specified, this command will attempt to deduce the format from the file extension and parse accordingly.
Password <String> Specifies the current BIOS setup password, if any.
NoSummary If specified, this command suppresses the one line summary at the end of the import.
ComputerName <String> Specifies a target computer for this command to create its own one-time-use CIMSession object using with. If not specified, this command will use the current device as the target computer for this command. The alias 'Target' can also be used for this parameter.
ErrorHandling <Object> Specifies the type of error handling this command will use. The value must be one of the following values:
0 - operate normally
1 - raise exceptions as warnings
2 - no warnings or exceptions, fail silently
CimSession <CimSession> Specifies a pre-established CIMSession object (as created by the New-CIMSession command) or a ComputerName in string format for this command to create a one-time-use CIMSession object with


  • Requires HP BIOS.
  • Use single quotes around the password to prevent PowerShell from interpreting special characters in the string.


PS C:\> Set-HPBIOSSettingValuesFromFile -File .\file.bcu -NoSummary