

Creates a Driver Pack for a specified platform ID


New-HPDriverPack [[-Platform] <String>] [[-Os] <String>] [[-OSVer] <String>] [[-Path] <DirectoryInfo>] [[-UnselectList] <Array>] [[-RemoveOlder]] [[-Format] <String>] [[-Url] <String>] [[-Overwrite]] [[-TempDownloadPath] <DirectoryInfo>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


This command retrieves SoftPaqs for a specified platform ID to build a Driver Pack in the following formats:

  • NoCompressedFile - All drivers saved in a regular folder
  • ZIP - All drivers compressed in a ZIP file
  • WIM - All drivers packed in a Windows Imaging Format

Please note that this command executes the New-HPBuildDriverPack command if no errors occurred.


Name Argument Description
Platform <String> Specifies a platform ID to retrieve a list of associated SoftPaqs. If not available, the current platform ID is used.
Os <String> Specifies an OS for this command to filter based on. The value must be 'win10' or 'win11'. If not specified, the current platform OS is used.
OSVer <String> Specifies an OS version for this command to filter based on. The value must be a string value specifying the target OS Version (e.g. '1809', '1903', '1909', '2004', '2009', '21H1', '21H2', '22H2', '23H2', '24H2', etc). If this parameter is not specified, the current operating system version is used.
Path <DirectoryInfo> Specifies an absolute path for the Driver Pack directory. The current directory is used by default if this parameter is not specified.
UnselectList <Array> Specifies a list of SoftPaq numbers and SoftPaq names to not be included in the Driver Pack. A partial name can be specified. Examples include 'Docks', 'USB', 'sp123456'.
RemoveOlder If specified, older versions of the same SoftPaq are not included in the Driver Pack.
Format <String> Specifies the output format of the Driver Pack. The value must be one of the following values:
- NoCompressedFile
Url <String> Specifies an alternate location for the HP Image Assistant (HPIA) Reference files. This URL must be HTTPS. The Reference files are expected to be at the location pointed to by this URL inside a directory named after the platform ID you want a SoftPaq list for.
For example, if you want to point to 83b2 Win10 OSVer 2009 reference files, the New-HPDriverPack command will try to find them in this directory structure: $ReferenceUrl/83b2/
If not specified, '' is used by default, and fallback is set to ''.
Overwrite If specified, this command will force overwrite any existing file with the same name during driver pack creation.
TempDownloadPath <DirectoryInfo> Specifies an alternate temporary location to download content. Please note that this location and all files inside will be deleted once driver pack is created. If not specified, the default temporary directory path is used.
WhatIf If specified, the Driver Pack is not created, and instead, the list of SoftPaqs that would be included in the Driver Pack is displayed.


  • Admin privilege is required.
  • Running this command in PowerShell ISE is not supported and may produce inconsistent results.


PS C:\> New-HPDriverPack -WhatIf

PS C:\> New-HPDriverPack -Platform 880D -OS 'win10' -OSVer '21H2' -Path 'C:\MyDriverPack' -Unselectlist 'sp96688','AMD','USB' -RemoveOlder -WhatIf

PS C:\> New-HPDriverPack -Platform 880D -OS 'win10' -OSVer '21H2' -Path 'C:\MyDriverPack' -Unselectlist 'sp96688','AMD','USB' -RemoveOlder -Format Zip