

Sets the logo on reboot


Set-HPFirmwareBootLogo [-File] <String> [[-Password] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command sets the boot logo that is seen after computer POST and before the OS takes over. The default logo is the HP logo, but companies may wish to customize it with their own enterprise or workgroup logo.

Please note that the file format has specific restrictions. See the -File parameter for more information.


Name Argument Description
File <String> Specifies the file to use as the logo. The file must follow the below restrictions:
1. Must be JPEG
2. Resolution may not be higher than 1024x768
3. File size may not be larger than 32751 bytes.
Password <String> Specifies the BIOS setup password, if any


  • Not currently supported in Windows PE.
  • Requires HP BIOS
  • This command requires elevated privileges.
  • Due to a BIOS limitation, this command will not succeed if HP Sure Admin is enabled.


PS C:\> Set-HPFirmwareBootLogo -file myfile.jpg

See also