

Adds a filter per specified platform to the current repository


Add-RepositoryFilter [-Platform] <String> [[-Os] <Object>] [[-OsVer] <String[]>] [[-Category] <String[]>] [[-ReleaseType] <String[]>] [[-Characteristic] <String[]>] [[-PreferLTSC]] [<CommonParameters>]


This command adds a filter to a repository that was previously initialized by the Initialize-Repository command. A repository can contain one or more filters, and filtering will be the based on all the filters defined. Please note that "*" means "current" for the -Os parameter but means "all" for the -Category, -ReleaseType, -Characteristic parameters.


Name Argument Description
Platform <String> Specifies the platform using its platform ID to include in this repository. A platform ID, a 4-digit hexadecimal number, can be obtained by executing the Get-HPDeviceProductID command. This parameter is mandatory.
Os <Object> Specifies the operating system to be included in this repository. The value must be one of 'win10' or 'win11'. If not specified, the current operating system will be assumed, which may not be what is intended.
OsVer <String[]> Specifies the target OS Version (e.g. '1809', '1903', '1909', '2004', '2009', '21H1', '21H2', '22H2', '23H2', '24H2', etc). Starting from the '21H1' release, 'xxHx' format is expected. If not specified, the current operating system version will be assumed, which may not be what is intended.
Category <String[]> Specifies the SoftPaq category to be included in this repository. The value must be one (or more) of the following values:
- Bios
- Firmware
- Driver
- Software
- OS
- Manageability
- Diagnostic
- Utility
- Driverpack
- Dock
- UWPPack

If not specified, all categories will be included.
ReleaseType <String[]> Specifies a release type for this command to filter based on. The value must be one (or more) of the following values:
- Critical
- Recommended
- Routine

If not specified, all release types are included.
Characteristic <String[]> Specifies the characteristic to be included in this repository. The value must be one of the following values:

If this parameter is not specified, all characteristics are included.
PreferLTSC If specified and if the data file exists, this command uses the Long-Term Servicing Branch/Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSB/LTSC) Reference file for the specified platform ID. If the data file does not exist, this command uses the regular Reference file for the specified platform.


PS C:\> Add-RepositoryFilter -Platform 1234 -Os win10 -OsVer 2009

PS C:\> Add-RepositoryFilter -Platform 1234 -Os win10 -OsVer "21H1"

PS C:\> Add-RepositoryFilter -Platform 1234 -Os win10 -OsVer "21H1" -PreferLTSC

See also