

Sets features supported on connected displays


Set-HPDisplay [[-SerialNumber] <String[]>] [[-Brightness] <Int32>] [[-CurrentResolution] <String>]
[[-Frequency] <Int32>] [[-Contrast] <Int32>] [[-ActiveInput] <String>] [[-AutoInputEnabled] <Boolean>]
[[-PowerManagement] <String>] [[-MuteSpeaker] <Boolean>] [[-BuiltInAudio] <String>] [[-USBCPort] <String>]
[[-BlackStretch] <String>] [[-ColorPreset] <String>] [[-SpeakerVolume] <Int32>]
[[-RestrictFileXfer] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command sets features supported on connected displays.


SerialNumber<String[]>Specifies the serial number of the display(s) to retrieve information for. If multiple serial number(s) are given and multiple diplays are connected, return data will only show information for Displays associated with specified serial number(s). If not specified, information for all connected displays will be returned.
ActiveInput<String>Specifies the active input to set to the display. Valid values are: VGA1, VGA2, DigitalDVI1, DigitalDVI2, CompositeVideo1, CompositeVideo2, SVideo1, SVideo2, Tuner1, Tuner2, Tuner3, Component1, Component2, Component3, HDMI1, HDMI2, DP1, DP2, USBCVideo1, USBCVideo2, USBCVideo1Thunderbolt4, USBCVideo2Thunderbolt4
AutoInputEnabled <Boolean>If set to false, auto input switch value will be set to 'Off'. If set to true, auto input switch value will be set to 'On'.
BlackStretch <String>Specifies the black stretch value to set to the display. Valid values are: Off, Low, Medium, High
Brightness <Int32>Specifies the brightness to set to the display. Valid values are between 0 and 100. If a decimal value is specified, it will be rounded to the nearest integer.
BuiltInAudio <String> Specifies the built-in audio preset to set to the display. Valid values are: Music, Movie, Voice
ColorPreset <String> Specifies the color preset to set to the display. See full list below.
Contrast <Int32> Specifies the contrast to set to the display. Valid values are between 0 and 100. If a decimal value is specified, it will be rounded to the nearest integer.
CurrentResolution <String> Specifies the resolution to set to the display. Format of string 1234x1234 where two integers are separated by 'x' and the first integer is the width and the second integer is the height.
Frequency <Int32> Specifies the frequency in Hz to set the display. If a decimal value is specified, it will be rounded to the nearest integer.
MuteSpeaker <Boolean> If set to false, speaker mute value will be set to 'UnMute'. If set to true, speaker mute value will be set to 'Mute'.
PowerManagement <String> Specifies the power management value to set to the display. Valid values are: PowerSaverMode, PerformanceMode
RestrictFileXfer <Boolean> If set to false, the display will not restrict file transfer. If set to true, the display will restrict file transfer.
SpeakerVolume<Int32> Specifies the volume level to set to the display's speaker. Valid values are between 0 and 100. If a decimal value is specified, it will be rounded to the nearest integer
USBCPort <String> Specifies the USB-C port to set to the display. Valid values are: USBCVideoUSB20, USBCVideoUSB30, USBCVideoUSB32, USB3840216060HzUSB20, USB3840216030HzUSB30, USB2560144060HzUSB20, USB2560144060HzUSB30, USB34401440100HzUSB20, USB3440144060HzUSB30, USB1920120060HzUSB20, USB1920120060HzUSB30, USB5120216060HzUSB20, USB5120216060HzUSB30, USB3840216060HzUSB30, USBCAUTO.


Valid values for ColorPreset are: UserCalib1,UserCalib2,UserCalib3,UserCalib4,UserCalib5,UserCalib6,UserCalib7,UserCalib8,UserCalib9,UserCalib10,





Warm,Cool,Neutral,Standard,Gaming,Cinema,Multimedia,Photo, HPEnhance,CustomRGB,RetroGamingMode,ColorMatch,PQHDR10,HLG,SDRLowBlueLight,ReadingMode,Vivid,Movie,Night,DisplayP3,











PS C:\> Set-HPDisplay -Contrast 70 -ActiveInput DigitalDVI2