

Creates a QR-Code for transferring the private key from a certificate file to the HP Sure Admin phone app


Convert-HPSureAdminCertToQRCode [-LocalAccessKeyFile] <FileInfo> [[-LocalAccessKeyPassword] <String>] [[-Model] <String>] [[-SerialNumber] <String>] [[-OutputFile] <FileInfo>] [[-Format] <String>] [[-ViewAs] <String>] [[-Passphrase] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command extracts a private key from the provided certificate file and presents it in a form of QR-Code, which can be scanned with the HP Sure Admin phone app. Once scanned the app can be used for authorizing commands and BIOS setting changes.

Security note: It is recommended to delete the QR-Code file once it is scanned with the app. Keeping the QR-Code stored locally in your computer is not a recommended production pattern since it contains sensitive information that can be used to authorize commands.


Name Argument Description
LocalAccessKeyFile <FileInfo> Specifies the path to the local access key as a PFX file. If the PFX file is protected by a password (recommended), the LocalAccessKeyPassword parameter should also be provided.
LocalAccessKeyPassword <String> Specifies the local access key file password, if required.
Model <String> Specifies the computer model to be stored with the key in the phone app
SerialNumber <String> Specifies the serial number to be stored with the key in the phone app
OutputFile <FileInfo> Specifies the file to write output to instead of writing the output to the pipeline
Format <String> Specifies the format of your preference to save the QR-Code image file: Jpeg, Bmp, Png, Svg.
ViewAs <String> Specifies the view option. The possible values are:
- Default: creates a local file in your system and opens QR-Code image in default image viewer.
- Text: the QR-Code is displayed by using text characters in your console.
- None: the QR-Code is not presented to the user. This option is ideally used with the OutputFile parameter.
Passphrase <String> Specifies the password to protect QR-Code content


  • Supported on Windows Power Shell v5.
  • An HP BIOS with HP Sure Admin support is required for applying the payloads generated by this command.


PS C:\> Convert-HPSureAdminCertToQRCode -LocalAccessKeyFile "$path\signing_key.pfx"

PS C:\> Convert-HPSureAdminCertToQRCode -Model "PC-Model" -SerialNumber "SN-1234" -LocalAccessKeyFile "$path\signing_key.pfx" -LocalAccessKeyPassword "s3cr3t"

PS C:\> Convert-HPSureAdminCertToQRCode -Model "PC-Model" -SerialNumber "SN-1234" -LocalAccessKeyFile "$path\signing_key.pfx" -Passphrase "s3cr3t" -ViewAs Text

PS C:\> Convert-HPSureAdminCertToQRCode -LocalAccessKeyFile "$path\signing_key.pfx" -Passphrase "s3cr3t" -Format "Svg"

See also