

Configures an HP Retail System


Set-HPRetailSmartDockConfiguration [-Mode] {FastRelease | FastReleaseAndPIN | Privileged | PrivilegedAndPIN | Application | Unknown} [-PINData] <SecureString> [[-BaseLockoutTime] <Int32>] [[-RelockTime] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPRetailSmartDockConfiguration [-Mode] {FastRelease | FastReleaseAndPIN | Privileged | PrivilegedAndPIN | Application | Unknown} [-PIN] <String> [[-BaseLockoutTime] <Int32>] [[-RelockTime] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPRetailSmartDockConfiguration [-Mode] {FastRelease | FastReleaseAndPIN | Privileged | PrivilegedAndPIN | Application | Unknown} [[-BaseLockoutTime] <Int32>] [[-RelockTime] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPRetailSmartDockConfiguration [[-BaseLockoutTime] <Int32>] [[-RelockTime] <Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command configures the settings of an HP Retail system such as the HP Engage Go system.


Name Argument Description
Mode <RetailDockMode> Specifies the mode to activate. The value must be one of the following values:

- FastRelease: Default mode where no authentication is required. Simply unlock the tablet with the touch of a button. Do not use the -PIN parameter.
- FastReleaseAndPIN: A PIN is required to unlock the tablet.
- Privileged: Only privileged users (users with admin login) can unlock the tablet. Do not use PIN parameter.
- PrivilegedAndPIN: Only privileged users (users with admin login) with a PIN can unlock the tablet.
- Application: Mode for applications. A PIN is required.
PIN <String> Specifies the PIN to set. The PIN must be a numeric string between 4 and 10 characters. This parameter is mandatory for 'FastReleaseAndPIN', 'PrivilegedAndPIN', and 'Application'. This parameter must not be supplied for the other modes.
PINData <SecureString> Specifies the SecureString PINData to use
BaseLockoutTime <Int32> Sets the base lockout time in seconds. This must be a value between 30 and 1800 seconds.
RelockTime <Int32> Sets the relock time in seconds. This must be a value between 10 and 300 seconds.


  • This command requires elevated privileges.
  • This is a special purpose command that will only execute successfully in the presence of supported hardware.


PS C:\> Set-HPRetailSmartDockConfiguration -Mode PrivilegedAndPIN -PIN 123456