SoftPaq Management

This module provides basic functionality for retrieving SoftPaqs and mapping available SoftPaqs to platforms.

The following functionality is currently available:

SoftPaq Management

Function Description
Get-Softpaq Downloads a SoftPaq from or from a specified alternate server
Get-SoftpaqMetadataFile Downloads the metadata of a SoftPaq metadata in CVA file format from or from a specified alternate server with additional configuration capabilities in comparison to the Get-SoftPaqMetadata command
Get-SoftpaqMetadata Downloads the metadata of a SoftPaq metadata in CVA file format from or from a specified alternate server
Get-SoftpaqList Retrieves a list of SoftPaqs for the current platform or a specified platform ID
Clear-SoftpaqCache Clears the cache used for downloading SoftPaq database files
Out-SoftpaqField Extracts the information of a specified field from the SoftPaq metadata
Get-HPImageAssistantUpdateInfo Retrieves the latest version, HPIA download URL, and SoftPaq URL
Install-HPImageAssistant Installs the latest version of HP Image Assistant (HPIA)
New-HPDriverPack Creates a Driver Pack for a specified platform ID
New-HPBuildDriverPack Creates a Driver Pack for a specified list of SoftPaqs
New-HPUWPDriverPack Creates a UWP Driver Pack for a specified platform ID