

Unregisters a source registered by the Register-EventLogSink command


Unregister-EventLogSink [[-source] <String>] [[-target] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


This command removes a registration that was previously registered by the Register-EventLogSink command.

Note: Switching between formats changes the file encoding. The 'Simple' mode uses unicode encoding (UTF-16) while the 'CMTrace' mode uses UTF-8. This is partly due to historical reasons (default encoding in UTF1-16 and existing log is UTF-16) and partly due to limitations in CMTrace tool, which seems to have trouble with UTF-16 in some cases.

As a result, it is important to start with a new log when switching modes. Writing UTF-8 to UTF-16 files or vice versa will cause encoding and display issues.


Name Argument Description
source <String> Specifies the event log source that was registered via the Register-EventLogSink command. The source can also be specified via the HPSINK_EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_SOURCE environment variable.
target <String> Specifies the target computer on which to perform this command. Local computer is assumed if not specified, unless environment variable

Important: the user identity running the PowerShell script must have permissions to write to the remote event log.


This command reads the following environment variables for setting defaults:

  • HPSINK_EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_SOURCE: override default source name
  • HPSINK_EVENTLOG_MESSAGE_TARGET: override event log server name


PS C:\> Unregister-EventLogSink

See also