

Configures HP eAI features on the current device


Set-HPeAISettingValue [-Name] <String> [-Default] <String> [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPeAISettingValue [-Name] <String> [-AllowEdit] <Boolean> [[-Default] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Set-HPeAISettingValue [-Name] <String> [-Enabled] <Boolean> [[-AllowEdit] <Boolean>] [[-Default] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


Configures HP eAI features on the current device. At this time, only the 'Privacy Alert' feature and the 'Auto Screen Dimming' feature are available to be configured.


Name Argument Description
Name <String> Specifies the eAI feature name to configure. The value must be one of the following values:
- Privacy Alert
- Auto Screen Dimming
Enabled <Boolean> If set to $true, this command will enable the feature specified in the Name parameter. If set to $false, this command will disable the feature specified in the -Name parameter.
AllowEdit <Boolean> If set to $true, editing is allowed for the feature specified in the Name parameter. If set to $false, editing is not allowed for the feature specified in the -Name parameter.
Default <String> Sets default value of the feature specified in the -Name parameter. The value must be one of the following values:
- On
- Off


Admin privilege is required.


PS C:\> Set-HPeAISettingValue -Name 'Privacy Alert' -Enabled $true -Default 'On' -AllowEdit $false

PS C:\> Set-HPeAISettingValue -Name 'Privacy Alert' -Enabled $true

PS C:\> Set-HPeAISettingValue -Name 'Auto Screen Dimming' -Default 'On'

PS C:\> Set-HPeAISettingValue -Name 'Auto Screen Dimming' -AllowEdit $false

See also