SoftPaq Repository

Use this module to initialize a directory as a container for SoftPaqs, pull the latest SoftPaqs for a platform or set of platforms, apply filters for the types of SoftPaqs to pull, etc.

This module contains the following commands:

Initializing the repository

A directory must be initialized as a repository. This command creates the proper files in the directory that store the repository settings. To undo the initialization or initialize from scratch, simply remove the .repository folder from the directory.

Function Description
Initialize-Repository Initializes a repository in the current directory

Configuring the repository

The following commands allow users to get and set various repository properties like error handling.

Function Description
Get-RepositoryConfiguration Retrieves the configuration values for a specified setting in the current repository
Set-RepositoryConfiguration Sets repository configuration values

Adding and removing platforms

These commands allow for adding and removing platforms as well as any associated filters from the current repository. Use these commands to control what SoftPaqs the current repository will receive.

Function Description
Add-RepositoryFilter Adds a filter per specified platform to the current repository
Remove-RepositoryFilter Removes one or more previously added filters per specified platform from the current repository

Getting repository information

These commands get information about a repository. You can also see similar data by reading the .repository\repository.json file.

Function Description
Get-RepositoryInfo Retrieves the current repository definition
New-RepositoryReport Creates a report from a repository directory

Synchronizing a repository

This command synchronizes a repository based on the currently defined rules.

Function Description
Invoke-RepositorySync Synchronizes the current repository and generates a report that includes information about the repository

Removing orphaned SoftPaqs

This command cleans up unneeded SoftPaqs. It would normally be performed after a successful sync.

Function Description
Invoke-RepositoryCleanup Removes obsolete SoftPaqs from the current repository

Configuring email failure notifications

When synchronizing a SoftPaq repository on a schedule, it may be desirable to be notified by email if the process fails. Use these commands to configure an SMTP server and define a list of recipients to receive the failure emails.

Function Description
Get-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration Retrieves the current notification configuration
Set-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration Sets the repository notification configuration in the current repository
Clear-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration Clears the repository notification configuration from the current repository
Show-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration Displays the current notification configuration onto the screen
Add-RepositorySyncFailureRecipient Adds a recipient to the list of recipients to receive failure notification emails for the current repository
Remove-RepositorySyncFailureRecipient Removes a recipient from the list of recipients that receive failure notification emails for the current repository
Test-RepositoryNotificationConfiguration Tests the email notification configuration by sending a test email

All commands above must be executed in a repository directory, and all configuration is executed per repository. To maintain multiple repositories, create repositories in separate directories, initialize them, and configure them separately.


When initialized, a directory named ".repository" is created in the repository directory. This directory contains a configuration file (.repository/repository.json) which contains all the configuration for this repository, and a log file (.repository/activity.log) which registers significant actions. Additional files and directories may exist which are used internally by the synchronization process.

The log file may be deleted when no longer needed.